The world is destined for certain failure

The world is destined for certain failure. But God will win. The incredible and phantasmagorically beautiful story of Jesus Christ promises an unimaginably glorious finish to a race well run. Yet so few are willing to run the good race. The sheer number of public officials who poke their heads in the sand to glaring abuses of the public trust is astounding. The satanic Soros/Zuckerbucks/WEF/et al Machine and rabid rapacious mentality that seeks to destroy our currency, our sovereignty, law, health, institutions, our culture and civil society have a death wish. They’ve corrupted our courts and legal system, and virtually every lawmaker with precious few exceptions. Lawmakers have become the chief lawbreakers. But they will lose . It’s comforting knowing they cannot corrupt our faith. It’s not comforting to know so many will perish so inglorious a death.