
The world is destined for certain failure

The world is destined for certain failure. But God will win. The incredible and phantasmagorically beautiful story of Jesus Christ promises an unimaginably glorious finish to a race well run. Yet so few are willing to run the good race. The sheer number of public officials who poke their heads in the sand to glaring abuses of the public trust is astounding. The satanic Soros/Zuckerbucks/WEF/et al Machine and rabid rapacious mentality that seeks to destroy our currency, our sovereignty, law, health, institutions, our culture and civil society have a death wish. They’ve corrupted our courts and legal system, and virtually every lawmaker with precious few exceptions. Lawmakers have become the chief lawbreakers.  But they will lose . It’s comforting knowing they cannot corrupt our faith. It’s not comforting to know so many will perish so inglorious a death.

Wired to the Mothership: #RESISTANCEISNOTFUTILE

The closest person to me in all of life, beside the loves of my life, is a flaming liberal. I'm sorry if "flaming" enflames but there are few words to describe the constant harangue of nonsense that plagues reasonable people. She HATES @realDonaldJTrump. She has enough sense to know that @JoeBiden is a buffoon, and she says she would even vote for #DJT, for a reason she insists, as a full-blooded Conservative, I would not care for - if she could, as an exPat. She, like few others, has #literally saved the world not once , but twice from nuclear holocaust. Stationed at Gitmo, she accomplished a phenomenal feat of expert analytical skill, then wrangled with the bozos in charge, who at first refused to recognize what she'd discovered, alerted the #RedPhone, took credit for her work, then had the audacity to bounce her down a rank for calling them the Cold War-days equivalent of fucktards. Insubordination for doing what needed to be done, short of slapping them upside the...

NYCA Benefit

Please see our event info below, and we hope to see you there! Join us to hear Executive Director Marly Hornik of the New York Citizens Audit (NYCA) discuss the latest findings and present a Study in Deficits . The NYCA Mission Statement: New York Citizens Audit is a team of concerned citizen volunteers working to restore integrity to the Empire State. By gathering and analyzing publicly available voter data, we have uncovered shocking revelations about our rigged election system. The presentation is open to the public. Coffee, tea, soda & desserts will be served, free of charge. Afterward, Buffalo's Monticello will host a fundraiser for NYCA in the Lounge. Hors d'oeuvres will be served, drinks provided and we'll have a few fun raffles and door prizes. Please support the important work of NYCA! MORE DETAILS & PAY LINKS BELOW Please be sure and email Jul Thompson at to confirm your attendance! We would greatly appreciate an RSVP for the...

The Empire (State) Strikes Back

    The Empire (State) Strikes Back                                               By Steve Dallas Summer is the time for movie sequels.    Heroes return for yet another adventure, from Tom Cruise's "Maverick" to Marvel Comics' "Thor."  Villains resurrect their evil schemes, be they the Joker from "Batman" or the Sith Lords of "Star Wars." There isn't a new "Star Wars" movie this summer.  However, in New York, gun owners are seeing their own unfortunate sequel, as empress wannabe Kathy Hochul's Empire Strikes Back against the Second Amendment. Less than a week after the United States Supreme Court came out with a full-throated support for the right of self-defense, Darth Hochul and her Democrat minions (with no Republican votes) passed some of the most draconian gun control laws in American history, all aimed directly at law-abiding gun own...

The Fate of Inmate 157103 – Buffalo NY

by Jul Thompson 18May2022 Inmate #157103 needs to die. His crime is so heinous, but like many who have gone unpunished before him, we are drawing the line. It’s at the Tops on Jefferson Avenue in Buffalo New York. Our beloved neighbors have suffered so atrocious an indignity, it would be insufferable for the evil to go unpunished. Our first desire as Christians is to give the accused on opportunity to receive the gift of faith, repent and make restitution for the enormous damage he’s inflicted, not only upon the grieving family and friends, but the entire community, in Buffalo and surround, if such a thing were possible. But our better nature tells us something different. Much more can be said of how offensive it is that the dredges of society should get perhaps 16 years of three hots & a cot then out on good behavior, if not for the continuing indignity of family visiting the prison annually to ensure the shooter is denied parole, or of the many deep ancillary wounds his crime has...

Catt County becomes first in NYS to become a Constitutional Sanctuary

VERY IMPORTANT!! Cattaraugus County NY has just voted to become a Constitutional Sanctuary. We need to do this in every county in NYS, and every county in the nation. I have put out an inquiry to the Catt County Legislator who crafted the legislation so we can share it and get it passed just like we did with the NY SAFE Act. On Epoch Times (click on the blue bar):

More Proof the 2020 Election Was Rigged
